2017 Michigan Capitol Connection
Michigan Capitol Connection 2017
September 18-20, 2017, we hosted our first Michigan Capitol Connection! This was a fantastic first big event in our 121 Capitol Connection ministry and we are already pumped about next year! We had thirteen pastors with seventy fellow believers from different parts of the state come to Lansing to meet with their legislators. Monday night Dr. Chuck Harding (founder of Awake America) opened the convention with a motivational patriotic message. Tuesday during the day, the attendees were divided up into groups and sent into every legislative office in Lansing. It was a great day for prayer, encouragement, and the developing of relationships between pastors and their legislators. Tuesday afternoon we were able to hear from different Christian legislators about the need for this type of ministry in the Capitol. Tuesday evening, we heard a powerful message from Pastor Brad Cranston. Wednesday was the final day of the event. Early in the morning we joined the Capitol Bible study and specifically prayed for the legislators in that group. The rest of the day was spent touring the Capitol and delivering Chik-fil-A cookies to every legislative office as a way of thanking them for the time they took talking with us the day before. We are doing this event again next year, September 17th-19th, so please make plans to come!