2019 Michigan Capitol Connection
2019 was a banner year for our Capitol Connection event. God blessed us with distinguished speakers, increased pastoral involvement, and a fantastic venue. This year we hosted the event at the Radisson and did a banquet session for the first time. Pastor Steve Smail of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Plainwell opened up the event on April 29th with a heart-aligning message touching on the Great Commission in reference to our government. We also had so many Christian legislators come to address the pastors in the afternoon of the 30th that we barely had time for a break before the banquet that evening. Many pastors were touched by the legislator’s pleas for prayer and encouragement as well as encouraged at the high number of Christian lawmakers in Lansing. Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey were our guest speakers at the banquet, which brought in seventy-five attendees. It was inspiring and challenging to see how their faith guided their decisions as state leaders.