121: Big Step Froward
Over the past several months, God has been doing much to grow 121 Capitol Connection. It is my pleasure to inform you of a major step forward for the 121 Capitol Connection Ministry.
Up until January of 2021, I had been directing 121 Capitol Connection while on staff as missions pastor at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Swartz Creek. Throughout that time of service, God made it clear that He was leading me to serve full time in the 121 ministry as a missionary to our Michigan State legislators. So, with the full blessing of my pastor and church, I formed 121 Capitol Connection as a 501c3 not-for-profit organization at the beginning of the year and am now a full-time missionary to our Michigan state legislators, sent out of Cornerstone Baptist Church!
This step forward produces several positive changes for the 121 ministry.
More time in Lansing.
Because I am now full-time, I will be able to make multiple visits to Lansing each week to reach legislators instead of the weekly or bi-weekly visits I made before.
Increased opportunity to meet with pastors and speak at churches. I am free on Sundays and Wednesdays to present 121 Capitol Connection in churches and during the week to meet with pastors so that I can help God’s people invest in their government officials for Christ and raise funds for the ministry. I also enjoy preaching about how Christianity and government biblically fit together.
Accountability of a board of directors.
God has blessed me with four excellent 121 Capitol Connection board members. These men help provide direction, insight, encouragement, and accountability to the ministry. Two of these men are pastors, one is an attorney, and the fourth is a legislative aide in Lansing.
Just like any minister going into full-time missions, my family and I are on deputation, concentrating a large portion of our time toward funding the ministry to which God has called us. Ministry expenses, administration expenses, and salary all add up very fast. My goal is to raise $8,000 in monthly support. If you are a pastor interested in financially supporting 121 as a church, I would love to talk more with you to set up a meeting. If you are an individual interested in finically supporting 121, I would love to get to know you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out. There is a donate link on the website: 121capitolconnection.org.
Your church should have received a missionary booklet in the mail with information about my family and the 121 ministry. If you need another one or want an email copy, please let me know. You can also view the electronic version here.
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