Public Servant Day Service
Here at Cornerstone Baptist Church, we are praising God for an awesome Public Servant’s Day Service!! This past Sunday we held a special service to honor our Michigan legislators. We invited the legislators from our surrounding districts as well as those we had formed good relationships with. In total, we had four legislators and two legislative aides (representing their respective legislators) attend. During the service, we took time to honor them and thank them for their service. Through the preaching, each one heard a clear gospel presentation as well as encouragement to live by wisdom, integrity, and sacrifice.
Following the service, we held a reception and brunch time to provide those in our church with the opportunity to meet their legislators. We also gave each legislator a few minutes to share with us a little bit about themselves and their jobs. Many of them used this time to express how much the 121 Capitol Connection Ministry means to them. Each also one expressed their extreme thanks for hosting the Public Servant Day service as well as for the prayers in their offices with Pastor Dom and those who visit in Lansing with him. We are excited to see how God is going to continue to work through the aftermath of this event.